Kingsley Moghalu, a former deputy governor of Nigeria’s Central Bank (CBN), has stated that preventing and ultimately defeating terrorism is the only viable strategy.
The terrorist’s psyche, according to Moghalu, “has little room or possibility for reason or genuine repentance.” It
In the midst of Israeli airstrikes targeting prominent Hezbollah and Hamas militants, the message is released.
A growing number of people are worried that the violence will attract big countries like Iran and the US, according to furucinovel.
But in a Monday post on his X account, Moghalu insisted that
in the fight against terrorism, excellent intelligence and deadly force are paramount.
While he acknowledged that a Palestinian state would be the best long-term solution to the Gaza conflict, he emphasized the critical need of destroying Hamas’s military capability to terrorize Israel.
The only way to combat terrorism, according to Moghalu’s piece, is to stop it before it starts. There is little space or chance for rational thought or sincere contrition in the terrorist’s thinking. It refuses to be appeased.
It is crucial to combat terrorism with superior intelligence and deadly force. The truth, unfortunately.
Two terrorist organizations: Al Qaida and 9/11. Europe and Asia. In the second, the evil deeds of terrorists frequently fall on the heads of millions of defenseless people.
As a result of the latter’s brainwashing, the general public views them more as “freedom fighters” than the sick terrorists that they really are.
Furthermore, these terrorists persist in their terror plots by using civilian populations as human shields. This is the height of evildoing. This is a common tactic used by terrorists to influence public opinion.
There is an inherent right to self-defense and survival for nations that have been the targets of terrorist assaults. But a Palestinian state is the last resort when it comes to Gaza. Removing Hamas’s military capability to terrorize Israel is crucial, though.
That’s the one surefire way to ensure Israel’s safety down the road. For the same reason that Hamas does not want peace whatsoever.
In their charter, they explicitly say that they do not recognize Israel’s right to exist.
Given your overwhelming military advantage over Hamas and Hezbollah, would you, as Israel, sit about begging for “peace” as your adversaries plot your downfall, launch attacks, and massacre your citizens?
What would you have done if you were the US government in the aftermath of 9/11 about Al Qaida? Emotions and passions get in the way of reasoning in some cases.