
Zamfara bread bakers go on strike against motorbike prohibition

Zamfara bread bakers go on strike against motorbike prohibition

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The Master Bakers Association’s (MBA) Zamfara State chapter has directed its members to cease bread manufacture until it reaches a resolution with the State Government on the prohibition on motorbikes transporting bread.

The Association denied that the riders of motorcycles carrying loaves of bread were feeding robbers in the woodlands with bread.


According to the State Government, motorcycles carrying bread loaves are prohibited from doing so because the riders are providing the bread to bandits who are active within the State.

The government forbade the selling of gasoline in cans as well, citing the fact that bread and fuel cans were providing terrorists with motivation to carry out acts of terror against locals.

Speaking to reporters in Gusau, Mallam Habibu, the Association’s State Financial Secretary, clarified that the union would not start baking bread again until it had resolved the issue with the State Government.


To address the problem, we have been working with the State Government on a regular basis. He continued, “I have no doubt that the problem will be fixed very soon.


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